Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Reflections from the pews...

I like this quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide." As I was sitting in church this morning (craving a baked apple pastry with almond paste) I was also sitting and reflecting. As obvious as this revelation may sound to others, I had an "ah ha moment" when I realized that the priorities that I have set for my life are not the same priorities that other people set in their lives. I know, pretty basic concept. Somehow this morning it seemed insightful. Some people have spent their lives with a drive to create something of their own; art, a business, a musical CD, ...a drive which outweighs their need for relationships, or a spouse, or children (my priorities). I realized it is narcissistic of me to assume that because someone does not have what I have, that they are suffering emotional pain because of it. I have allowed my creativity, and my career take a back seat. I have let this happen, because they were not my first priorities. Others who may not have families may have been fulfilled and successful in achieving their career and creative goals. I guess what I realized this morning, as I was once again mourning my friends' lack of spouse/family, is that I may be misguided in my assumptions. Or perhaps, even if they are very sad about their lack of family, their solitude and freedom has allowed them to accomplish many things. It may not be accurate empathy to assume that someone without a spouse or children feels like I would, if I were without them. We are all unique with different gifts, with different desires, and different successes!

After church I drove to the bakery. It was closed. Dang it. I really wanted that apple pastry!