Monday, May 18, 2009

Insomniac Philosophy

So it is 1:14 in the morning, and I would much rather be in bed. But here I am thinking about women in Saudi Arabia being forced to wear black sheets, African women having their genitals mutilated, and how women across all cultures are traded as sex slaves, even in America. I have been reading this book to Aaron called, A Street Through Time. It shows pictures (drawings) of one place, and then walks you through time, showing you what that same place looks like over the centuries. When you see the Romans living luxurious lives, and then on the next page they are being sacked by invaders, it makes you realize that the luxuries we take for granted are not guaranteed. I see our culture completely taking for granted all the hard work and thought that has been put into creating the America that we live in today. More and more people expect the government to take care of them, and we expect that other cultures will be "nice" to us, as long as we are nice to them. Seems completely naive.

It makes me reflective on the future of women, even in America, because I think that women, as the weaker sex, are always vulnerable to reverting back to the status of wearing black sheets. We rely on justice and laws to keep us safe, and to support our claim of equality, but if we lose the ability to defend and uphold our laws, if we are snoozing at the wheel at the wrong time, "might" will make "right," once again.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, just when I'm learning to control my anxiety you write this.... now I'll be up all night too! Just kidding. Good perspective to think about. I still cannot throw food away; I was trained to "clean my plate" and I swear, I still think of the "starving orphans in Africa" with each and every meal.
